How to buy

To purchase products on our site, you can proceed in these ways:

after clicking the shop page, choose the category with the product you are interested in.

Click on the product you are interested in, you can do it either in the product image or in the choose button.

The product page will open. You will see the photo of the product with the information on the side with the description, the price or a range of prices, the production period and the expiry date of the product.

If it is a unique product, or without a weight to choose from, you can click on the “buy” button.

If it is a product offered in different formats, by clicking on the “choose an option” button, you can choose the weight you are interested in and at that point the price for the chosen weight will appear under the window.

You can click on the “buy” button and the “my account” page will appear with a message informing you that the chosen product has been added to your cart.

At this point you can choose whether to “continue the purchases“, adding other products, or whether to complete the order.

In this case you will have to choose the “pick up options” of the goods: in the case of “pick up on site” you will click on the appropriate button, which provides for pickup at our office, in this case no shipping costs will be applied. If you do not live in the area you will have to choose and click on “shipping cost” and the shipping cost will be added to the final expense (cost varying between 8 and 20 € depending on the weight).

At this point you can click on “complete the order” and the “checkout” page will open.

On the left you will have to fill in the billing information (automatically for the tax receipt, follow the billing options).

On the right, under the heading “your order” the product (with the chosen products) and the total costs. Payment options will appear below the costs, where you can choose between “bank transfer” or by “paypal” or by “credit card.

To continue you must click on “I have read and accepted the terms and conditions of sale“, at this point click on “place order” and follow the instructions.

In case of payment by “bank transfer” the order is concluded, at this point we will receive the e-mail with your order, we will send you the confirmation of receipt of the order, we will wait for the credit and send the goods the first day.

In the case of payment by “paypal” or by “credit cards“, the boxes to be filled in and filled out following the instructions of the payment manager will appear.